The Delivery Diaries

14. Three Cesareans + a Touching Father Adoption with Chelsey + Carlin

Vanessa Knagg

In this weeks episode, Chelsey and Carlin share the births of their three children and Carlin adopting Chelsey's oldest daughter. Chelsey had her first daughter at 26 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. She had to be life flighted to a bigger hospital and was rushed into surgery when they determined she was in renal failure and had HELLP syndrome. Her daughter was in the NICU for two months and in that two months she met her husband and they got married. Later, she got pregnant with their first child together and had a miscarriage at 14 weeks. She went on to have two more children and had cesareans. While having her other two children, Chelsey and Carlin were going through a custody battle with their oldest daughter's biological father. They found out he was being neglectful when Mia, their oldest daughter, would stay with him. Being able to adopt Mia wasn't as easy as you would suspect and they had to fight for her. In the end Mia got her wish and her daddy's last name.

You can connect with Chelsey on Instagram @chelsnye95 and on Facebook Chelsey Nye

You can connect with The Delivery Diaries on Instagram and Facebook @TheDeliveryDiaries

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