The Delivery Diaries

26. Strength + Positivity Leading to Two Adoptions with Kelsey

I have a couple things I wanted to let you guys know before we get into this weeks episode. First the big news I’ve been waiting to fill you in on... I am now a certified labor doula and will be getting certified as a postpartum and infant care doula in the next week. This is something that has been on my heart for a while now and I’m super excited to start supporting families through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. So if you’re in the Dallas area and looking for a doula let me know. You can email me at

The second thing I wanted to let you guys know is that I will be releasing episodes every other week instead of every week. If you or anyone you know would like to share your birth and or adoption stories please submit your stories at  

This week Kelsey shares her adoption stories. When Kelsey was a senior in high school she found out she wouldn’t be able to get pregnant. With her strength and positivity she knew that one day she would adopt. 

You can connect with Kelsey on Facebook. Kelsey Manley

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